Eye Health Timer
Are You Following the 20/20/20 Rule?
According to the 20/20/20 Rule, you should be giving your vision a rest from strenuous eye activities at least once every 20 minutes. This applies to computer and phone screen time, prolonged reading and other activities that require extended periods of near-viewing. At a bare minimum, every 20 minutes you should be looking 20 or more feet away for 20 or more seconds to reduce eye strain and protect your eyesight over time. Not only are we contenting with the detrimental effects of artificial light for much of our day, but after prolonged near-viewing, we're also restricting our eye muscles in a limited range of motion and significantly lowering our blink rate. This leads to dry eyes, eye strain and other discomfort, which over time can be the catalyst for more serious eye health issues and vision decline.

The average American is now on the internet 7 hours per day, but if you have a desk job, if you're a gamer, if you like to binge tv after work, etc., you may be getting even more screen time than the average American. Screens are the main cause of eye strain in our modern world, but spending too much uninterrupted time on any close-up, focused task or working in inadequate or artificial lighting is a recipe for eye strain. If you're not spending your entire day staring at a screen, but you're a book worm or you have other pastimes that force your eyes into a narrow range of motion for long periods of time, then your eyes are likely under a heavy amount of daily strain.

In addition to the 20/20/20 Rule, performing daily eye relaxation exercises can keep your vision sharp and prevent excess eye strain. Close-up vision requires your eye muscles to contract, and our eyes are not designed for the extreme lengths of time that we're now using these close-up eye muscle accommodations. After long periods of eye muscle contractions, without breaks for distance-viewing and relaxation exercises, the eye muscle spasms and gets 'stuck' in close-up vision mode. In our modern world centered around daily and prolonged close-up vision tasks, it's crucial that we make time for eye relaxation to counter-balance the negative effects of our day-to-day eye strain, and to preserve our vision over time.
Forming Better Vision Habits:
When I first learned about the 20/20/20 Rule and the serious need for routine vision breaks throughout the day, I went searching for an app that would remind me at regular intervals to take an eye break. When I couldn't find the right app for the job, I decided to just make my own! I'm not a software engineer and I'd never made an app before, but figuring it out was a labor of love and I'm so excited to be able to offer it to you now - for free!

I created the Eye Health Timer to make vision care easier, more convenient, and flexible enough to serve your individual scheduling needs. In the app, you'll find a simple interval timer that can be set to 20 minutes at a time, and a more advanced Pomodoro-style timer that can weave recurring vision breaks into extended working periods. This timer is simple and customizable to fit your unique workflow and vision needs. You will have the ability to take mini 20-second refreshing eye breaks when you're busy working on a deadline, or you can incorporate longer vision breaks into your workflow with ample time for full daily eye exercise routines.
This app is no longer supported on Google Play Store, but you still have exclusive access here! When prompted, you can use the Package Installer option on your Android and you will be able to download it from there with just a few clicks.
Download & Give It A Try!
Keep in mind that forming a new habit takes intention and time. Downloading the app is only helpful if you consistently use it! Refer back to the main services page to see how I can support you in forming sustainable and lasting healthy habits.
*Eye Health Timer is currently only available for Android.

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*The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.